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Consultation is an important aspect of most projects, especially during the planning phase. To allow you to budget for these types of projects more accurately, TrueStep includes as a part of all proposals, our fees for consulting services before, during, and after the actual implementation of the project. TrueStep focuses on intranet development, online training, website/database integration, database design, and XML. If your business is considering a project in any of these areas, TrueStep will provide you with a cost benefit analysis to determine whether or not such a project will increase your efficiency or bottom line.

In our commitment to treating all of our clients with the highest degree of honesty and integrity, TrueStep has developed three basic principles under which we operate.

1) One client, one project at a time
2) Reasonable rates, realistic implementation times
3) Open communication with client under all circumstances.

TrueStep has no affiliation or partiality to any one system or vendor, so we can be objective when analyzing your business’ needs. We also have expertise in a wide array of database systems, so in most cases we can provide your business with several options for any given project. After presenting your business with these various options, we can then analyze your existing infrastructure and help you to understand the pros and cons of each option.

XML Whitepaper
E-commerce Whitepaper
Programming Whitepaper
